In today’s edition, Joe shares:
- 5 Ways to Overcome Laziness
- How to Lead with Accountability
- $100 Off Health Summit
It’s what’s holding us back from greatness. Our brains are wired for it, telling us to avoid the hard things. But as we discuss here all the time, the hard things are where the growth is.
We often misdiagnose laziness, thinking it’s a personality flaw we can fix by just working harder. However, laziness goes deeper than that. Some experts like Dr. Tim Pychyl, a psychology professor, argue that what we label as laziness is actually a failure in self-regulation.
It’s not that you’re lazy—it’s that you’re stuck. Maybe you’re afraid or lack direction. In some cases, you may have physical reasons for your inaction.
Laziness is really just a symptom of being out of sync with your true purpose.
Here are five strategies to turn laziness into passion. Dig in.
Have a Clear Vision
You won’t work hard for something you don’t give a shit about. Without a compelling goal, your mind and body are going to resist. If you’re feeling lazy, maybe it’s because you haven’t found something worth fighting for. Dig deep, rediscover your purpose, and you’ll find the energy. But while you’re still figuring it out…do the work anyway.
Crush Fear of Failure
Fear is the enemy. It paralyzes potential. If you’re afraid to fail, redefine what success means to you—not societal standards. When you create your own definition of success, you free yourself from other people’s expectations. Write this phrase down: “Fire, Ready, Aim!” You’re tough enough to deal with the fear as it's coming at you.
Manage Your Energy
Laziness is often a sign you’re running on empty. Check your physical, mental, and emotional energy levels. If you’re off-balance, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Get your act together to sleep better, eat right, dump toxic relationships, and manage your stress.
Check Your Health
Sometimes, it’s not about mindset but about your physical condition. Fatigue, hormonal issues, or chronic illness can make you feel like you’re trying to run a marathon on an empty tank. You’re not lazy; you’re depleted. Get your health in check, make that doctor’s appointment, and fix it.
Eliminate Distractions
Cut the crap. Get off social media, put your phone down, and focus on what really matters. Surround yourself with people who push you, not those who drag you down. Laziness thrives on distractions—eliminate them, and you eliminate excuses.
At the end of the day, you’ve got to look in the mirror and ask the tough questions: What’s holding me back? What am I afraid of?
Here’s to The Hard Way!
I’m not one for relaxed weekends, but…how does a three-day health summit in Palm Beach, Florida sound? Eudēmonia is the next hardcore event inspired by the ancient Greeks. Named after the Greek concept of well-being, this event is designed to elevate your health and mindset. With workouts ranging from Spartan’s DEKA to yoga, and talks from top experts like Andrew Huberman and Jillian Michaels, Eudēmonia is a community with a shared purpose—to grow, learn, and become the best version of yourself. Join me and use my code SPARTANJOE for $100 off.
You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hey Joe, You're all about accountability, and so am I! But how can you best function in an organization where the people above you and below you don't hold themselves accountable?
- Christian F.
A: Hey Christian, You’re going to have to take it upon yourself to lead by example and create a culture of extreme ownership. This means you take full responsibility for everything within your control, even if it's not directly your fault.
If you're in a leadership position, make sure you're in the trenches with your team, showing them what accountability looks like.
When others see you owning up to your mistakes and relentlessly pursuing excellence, it may inspire them to do the same. Ultimately, the attitudes of employees at your company may be out of your control, but don’t let that affect your standards.
Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at thehardway@spartan.com.
They Said It |
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
– Thomas Edison
The Hard Way Podcast |
“This is the caveat of being a high-functioning addict: Your outsides look really good and you’re being culturally rewarded for how pretty you are and how smart you are.”
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